Friday, February 28, 2014

My Views on Privacy and Government Control

Today’s privacy and government policies are just what we need in order to maintain a structured society. The ultimate reason is because it controls the actions of the individuals. I agree with today’s current system of surveillance which watches people in community places such as parking lots, malls, and other public places. Similar surveillance devices such as telescreens and hidden microphones are the same and are only meant for the protection of the citizens. Government control keeps fear circulating because if a person knows that they are being watched, they are less likely to commit the crime. Anyone with criminal feelings will have second thoughts and will not go through with the crime as easily.  It is a good thing that we are able to track what citizens do and are able to surveillance them. If you have nothing to hide you have nothing to fear, so I believe that observation isn’t wrong at all and is in turn good for the benefit of everyone. What the people don’t realize is that constant scrutiny keeps them safe unless they are planning to conduct a crime which they shouldn’t do, which leads me with to my last reason. I agree with today’s privacy policies because without government control, the society’s people would be too incompetent to handle themselves and are incapable of making decisions of their own. People would run amuck doing as they please and in turn would work against our goal of creating a structured environment.

Monday, February 24, 2014

How Propaganda Influences Me

Propaganda impacts my social and personal choices because I control the entire society with the use of propaganda. My personal choice is to persuade the citizens of Oceania that I am all that they have, all that they will have, and that the way they are living now is as good as it gets. I’m influenced by propaganda because it gives me more authority as the people have no choice to give into it as they do not remember past history. Propaganda is important because it is a very powerful weapon as it controls the minds of the citizens. An example of propaganda that I use is “Big Brother is Watching You” which gives the people a sense of protection and makes them desire to worship me even more. The propaganda techniques the party uses allows me to control and install fear into the people which ultimately gives me power. I’m influenced to produce more propaganda for the intended audience of Oceania in order to create a society that I rule over. As I see how people react to the “truth” that the party feeds them, I realize how much leadership we have over them and how we can use it to our advantage to maintain our sculpted society through propaganda techniques.